Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Barry Allen is the new "BLACK FLASH" or so i think...

I am posting this for whoever might read this because it has been burning a hole through my brain since i read the new Flash Rebirth comic. I dont really want to spoil it for any flash fans but really come on if you are a flash fan then you read the book already and you have come to your own is mine.

In the story we see Barry Allen back in full glory at the Flash museum in Central City. Everyone is getting ready to party but he is there looking round at what he missed. He sees Hal Jordan(Green Lantern) and they talk for a while. At this time in a field in Fallville, Iowa 2 boys are playing and stumble across a crater that leads the the skeletal remains of the Black Flash and we read Hal say "you beat the grim reaper" Black Flash is no more. Barry tell Hal that he "cant be late" and time will run out on all of us and he wants to stop running but cant. As Barry runs with no destination he comes across an evil speedster Savitar that was also taken by the speed force but all the sudden was set free from it. (maybe because there is not more grim reaper holding him there) Barry runs after him and as soon as Barry touches Savitar and Savitar turns to dust and says " were the beginning Allen...and now you're the end..."

That says it all right there. Barry Allen is now the END...the new reaper of speedsters. I dont know how this will effect the DCU yet but i have to say bravo to Geoff Johns for another killer Flash Story. I did not expect this at all. I had to read it twice to get everything that was being said and i can only say wow. Read this Comic NOW!!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

One word...Watchmen

There have been movies that i have been excited for in the past but i must say that Watchmen ranks high on that list. I will admit that i did now know anything about this comic before i saw the first teaser trailer. I was like who the hell is that guy that look like batman and what the hell is that blue guy. I saw it was a DC title so I was intrigued enough to look up about what it was. After a few months of seeing more footage and reading more about it i thought maybe i should read the graphic novel. Now this is at a time when I was just reading one comic (The Flash) but i was begining me resurgents into the DCU.

I pickup the novel from amazon and read the first chapter and that was it. I dont know what it was about it but i could not get myself to read anymore of it and i kinda forgot about it for a few months. I love the art and liked what i saw from the story but I think it had to do with the way it was worded, the narration by Rorschach, maybe just my frame of mind at the time. I really did want to read it and I was still excited by what people were saying and what i was seeing in the trailers. Then came the NY Comicon...that changed alot for me and braught me back full swing into the world of comics. After the con i read that novel over the next few days at work when i had down time.

I was totaly sucked in by this comic on my second attempted to read it. I reread the first chapter and this time it all made sence the way it was worded and subtext in the story really made me not want to stop reading. Im not going to make this whole blog a spoiler so i wont. The dialog in this book and the things that happen is nothing like any comic i ever read. When i was at the con i talked to many people who read the book or wanted to read it and said they could not read it or they did not want to. Let me say this book is well worth the time you will spend on it and if you have to google some of the things they are talking about in the book to understand it then do so.

I read that when Alan Moore wrote it that he did it in a way that it could never be made into a movie. After reading it i understand what he is saying. The way it ends and the crazy things that happen in the book i have no idea how they are going to translate to the big screen but i will tell you this i am more excited then ever now.

I know i am on March 6th.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Week Excitement

Well it all finaly over. For those of us unlucky enough to have that someone special (myself included) we have to find other ways to spend that time...lucky for us guys there was such and event that happened this weekend...NBA All Star Weekend. What a savior this was, a reason for me and the boys to go out to a few bars this weekend and watch some great ball action.

The festivities for us started at fridays to catch the skills challenge. Fridays was filled to the brim with the lovers but lucky the bar was mosly free which is what we came in for. So we ate and watched the skills challenge which was quite entertaining. Derrick Rose ccame out ontop and he looked real good making all the passes on the first shot...very fast runs. To my suprise Tony Parker did not make a great showing. I think he was overly confident because he was already running to the next station before the balls went in and when he missed this cost him some major time. After that we left there on to our next venue.

We then walk into an old favorate(term used loosely) spots...Dugens. We watched the 3 point shootout there but when we were there they also had what looked like a 45+ singles even which was quite interesting so we stayed there only long enough to watch the first round of the 3 point shootout. Nothing so spectacular to here other then Jason Kapono the winner 2 years running with ver impressive shohing both times with a 24 then a 25 this time was out in the first round. This let Deaquan Cook walk away with the title with a 19.

We finshind are viewing at Hooters with there many tvs, beer, and "scantily clad" women was a proper choice. A friend of mine works at the particular establishment so we sat with her. so we got some drinks and watched the stupidity that ws this years dunk contest. To my eyes the whole thing was fixed to get Dwight Howard and Nate Robinson to the final round. Last year was no better with Howard winning with doing that non dunk of his...crap. Once the final round was underway it got a little better because Howard and Robinson can both dunk great. When Robinson came out with the Kryponite uniform, ball, and sneakers and jumped over Howard that really was great to see...that short guy can really jump. He deserved to win and im glad the majority of the fans agreed with me with 52% of the vote. On other notes i really want that Kryptonite ball and those sneakers are hot. Next year we can expect Labron James in the contest which we saw a little of at the end of the All Star game(more on that later). I would love to see him and Kobe mix it up.

We did go to a club after hooters where i saw one of my boys. It was an ok time...alot of girls without BFs but i did not see anything that was so outstanding atleast to my eye. There were a few funny times during that time we had there but i dont think i need to say those here lol.

Now on to sunday night with the Allstar Game. Desiding to eat before the game we went to one of are standby Hibachi restaurants. The meal was great and we were on our way to a local bar RJs to see the game. Watching the game there was actually quite good, good screens, decent food, not to crowded but had people still. The game itself was alot of fun to watch. Great players doing what they do best and having a little bit of fun which was cool to see. There were alot of great plays and i cant go through them all but i must say that Chris Paul really came with it and i liked alot of the moved and plays he put together...he was gunning for that MVP. Ofcorse Kobe was great with 27 points. He and Shac got Co MVP which i did not think was needed but i gues the fan voting was very close.

All in all a good weekend. Like i said at the start good thing for the NBA to take the heat off of an otherwise uneventful Valentines. Until we next meet again.

Monday, February 9, 2009

NYCC aftermath

Well its all over and im kinda sad. This was by far the best comic con i have attended. Perhaps the reason is that i am following more comics now then i ever have and got to speak with and get autographs some of the talented people on the DC team such as Geoff Johns (Upcoming Flash:Rebirth, The Flash, Green Lantern:Rebirth), Peter Tomasi (Nightwing, FC:Requiem) and Tony Daniels ( who is actually the reason i am starting to blog here because i had to check out his blog. I also went to a few panels and a few that i wish i could have gotten into but was to late.

I got to talk to Geoff for a bit on friday and little more on sunday at his signing at the DC booth. Very cool guy and actually seem to care what his fans had to say and happy to hear from them. His writing on The Flash was top notch and he has not disapointed me in any of his writing. I also found out he writes on Robot Chicken which is awesome(didnot get into the panel sadly) and he wrote the Legion episode for episode of the year BTW. Dont want to forget to mention his work on Legion of three worlds...thanks for bringing back Bart...cant wait to see what your going to do with him. Because of him i am now going to start reading all the new and crazy Green Lantern stuff.

I talked to Peter and had him sign Nightwing 150 for me. He was another guy who really seemed to want to connect with his fans...i was not so familiar with him before the show but now ater seeing what he did with nightwing and on other books i did not know he was a part of that i red i will be now following his work as well.

He is writing and penciling Battle for the Cowl now but my first look into his talent was Flash: Fastest Man Alive where he did the penciling for 11-13 and both covers for 13. I actually was at his BFTC panel on saterday and i was able to get him to spare a few moments after the panel and talk to me which was very cool of him. I told him how much i loved the art in those books and how great the cover art is on 13...The Black Flash is awesome. He was very happy to hear that i loved the books and i told him i read that he was not happy with some of his work on those books but i stilled loved it. He resonded with 11 and 12 were very rushed for him and he did not have much fun with those but he really liked doing 13 even though he was upset that they were killing off Bart a hero that he liked very much and i agreed with him. I also had him sign both covers of Flash: FMA 13 for me which was very very cool. I told him i was very muhc looking forward to what he does with BFTC.

All in all a great experiance im just sad that i will wait a year and a half till the next one...well atleast it looks like i will have plenty of great reading material to keep me busy till then. Well im off...until next time people.